
Friday, 5 September 2008


Today is teacher’s day. So this post is dedicated to the teacher-student relationship. I have to admit it’s not a post that puts teachers in the limelight. If any teacher of mine gets to read this, please take no offense, for this is just an observation I have made through all the years of student life. Since I, till very recently was a student myself I think it’s entirely appropriate for me to speak on behalf of the students.

Every teacher needs to be a good analyst, because a major portion of a teachers working (and non working) hours is spend analyzing. Analyzing students, analyzing answer papers, analyzing changes in the subject etc. etc. Now time to time they do a self analysis to see how good they are in the business of ‘passing on the education'. Most of them have their own mysterious techniques for this process. Many rate themselves based on their student’s performance, and strangely a few on the under performance of their students.

They make sure that it’s almost impossible for someone to pass their papers. They teach in frequencies much above their student’s levels, making points just clear enough for the students to realize that the teacher knows his/her stuff but never getting it themselves. This phenomenon is noticed even in the best institutes of the world, famous for their well-regarded teachers.

I wonder what makes teachers this way, is it the sadistic nature in them or a superiority complex (though I never understood that word, I mean why would you get a complex for being superior?). Maybe they do it to encourage students to try harder or make them realize they have a long way to go. But most often (I speak with experience) what happens is these teachers are considered a big joke by their students. Students think “Screw it, anyways he/she’s going to flunk me, so why bother”.

Well maybe seeing your students fall badly makes you feel better about yourself. The student community is all cheers for you and would love to spread your name world wide, but if only we could understand what you were really trying to say.

PS: I thank all my teachers who helped me become a better person.


Chris said...

Hey, while i dont think it would be 'correct' for me to agree with you on the entire articlce, I must say you keep suprising me with the way you look at things. and also your blogs are getting considerably better - more interesting and more readable.

Unknown said...

hey...gues i am da first 1 2 comment on diz....anywayz...gud wrk...keep rockin

Abhishek Tyagi said...

Hey Alexina,

Today accidentally i got a chance to go thru your blog and believe me i couldn't resist reading 2-3 of your blogs keeping aside some urgent assignments(But i could only manage 2-3 blogs because of the work pressure in the Software Industry btw I am working as a Software Engineer in Noida) your imagination is superb and the way you play with words is awesome. From now onwards i will be a regular reader of your Blog :)

Alexina said...

@ Abhishek

Glad to know my blog caught your attention and proved to be worth it too.:)
Do drop in time to time..and keep giving your comments and suggestions for improvement.

@ chris & Ann
Thank you.

katherine said...

Hey Alex i read your article about the teacher student thingy but tell me one thing have you written this article based on your experience as a student or based on your experience in Sahrdaya, cause i dont think the mere four years you spent there should let you generalise your opinion about teachers. But anyways keep up the creative thinking i will always be there for constructive criticism

Alexina said...

No, have no doubts for I dont just speak with four years of experience, more like with my entire student life experience and that adds up to 16 years.
The opinion is not just based on Personal experience but more universal..Even students from renowned institutes like the IIT report of such behaviors from teachers. To the extend that school toppers feel like complete failures when encountered with such negative attitude from teachers in college. This has resulted in suicide attempts due to depression in some students.
Hope you realize the extend of this problem a bit better now.

Febzz said...

No Comments!!
That was what I initially thought, but being on both sides of the coin, it kept my conscience pricking!
Well, to an extent I agree on a lot of things, but superiority... 'never'; I feel it is rather the 'ulta'! Most of the times so happens that the person is a teacher rather not by choice, and judged each and every moment s/he stands in front of students; well, when some one is doing a job not by choice, s/he rather have to prove the credentials atleast to oneself, and that is when s/he starts acting 'the superlative know-all' and tries hard to prove that s/he is superior atleast in the matters of the brain. I do pity! But think about the sarcasm one has to face infront of the so-called inferior beings of ignorance. Ego is something that anyone values more than anything else in the world, and why not adorn a protective shield? Comments are welcome!

Anonymous said...

They say that every truth has four corners and the teachers give you one and you are expected to find d rest..may b that is what some men of greater intellect tried unknowing dat inspiration is what is important to heat the iron b4 shapin it..without inspiring just teaching the single corner will be like beating on cold iron..if those people you told of whom v jeered at ever inspired us n dn tried dat kindda teaching..MAY would have been different...The case in Sahrdaya may b like what Bertrad russel or Bernard Shaw said(dnt rmbr whom)"The teacher, like the artist and the philosopher, can perform his work adequately only if he feels himself to be an individual directed by an inner creative impulse, not dominated and fettered by an outside authority.."

so judging a teacher in a suffocative environment that we were a part of may not be giving the right credit to his talent!!!

Anonymous said...

hey twin of mine.i shud have strtd readin earlier.nw only work at office is reading ur blogs.

Unknown said...


Alexina said...

@ steve

Excuse me,could u elaborate on ur single word statement!!