This Onam I shall forget my poverty stricken and malnourished fellowmen and instead I shall spend generously on the 'ONASADYA'.
This Onam I shall forget the stink from the overflowing garbage dumps and

This Onam I shall forget the doors i have double locked for the fear of thieves and beggars and instead i shall leave it wide open for 'Mr. MAHABALI' to visit me.
This Onam I shall forget the political differences within the State and instead shall enjoy th

This Onam I shall forget my Tee-Shirts that fills my wardrobe and instead I shall dress up in my 'ONAKODI'.
This Onam I shall forget my fav Rock songs and instead I shall Enjoy the "ONAPATTU'.
But this Onam I shall not forget to remember that tomorrow I will have to return back to reality!
It was nice to get this last year from u as the greeting... n nice to read t over again!
nice one...
this one is real cool.. actually real and cool...
Read the whole blog. You have a beautiful way with words. They are/can be scathingly satirical and gentle at the same time. They have the idiom of your background but are global and modern. You have either practised a lot or a natural, whatever, they sound like music. Amazing.
@ fast lane, febzz, admin, joe
@ Damon
Thank you for the comment. I hope some day I shall learn to use language the way you did in that valuable comment of yours. :)
Future comments and suggestions in the blog will be most welcome
Man.. u r too good (like ur sister) in putting ur thoughts across.
Lazy bum (again, like ur sister!).. write more!
thank you ,thank you (for the 1st part)
*takes a bow*
the input is wisely taken,shall write more definitely...
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